On the Right Track:
Modernizing the Train Case Experience

A modular train case that compliments short trips, daily use, and storage. Created a digital companion that helps users stay organized by keeping track of their products along with recommendations for new products based on preferences

Design Brief

The goal of this project was to re-imagine the historical beauty train case. with a consideration of the key “why” of the product. The train case would be a gift-with-purchase to build a social community engagement and emphasize sustainability. Along with designing a train case we also had to create a digital companion. We met the staff of Macher early spring 2023, and met our mentor Tarina Stasi that would be advising us through the project.  

An Industry Partnered Academic Project

Tarina Stasi - Client Partnership | Mentor


User Research, UX Design, Product Designer, CAD Model Designer


Spring 2023 - 7 Weeks


Through initial research we encountered several problems that train cases were prone to
- Sensitive products prone to being damaged and causing spillage
- Make-up brushes and tools getting dirty and contaminating  
- Dimensions of Bags could be misleading


Through field and desk research we came through several insights that focused on
- How to organize and store your products
- Keeping it simple and easy to clean up
- Use of bags and compartments to organize and keep your products clean


Through our insights we came to the following solution for our design of a train case
- Extra padding for products
- Pockets that are specialized for brushes that are easy to clean
- Compartments that could accommodate that large variety of make-up products

Design Research

Current Design & Research

Based on current designs of existing products there were several demographics that we observed:
1. Makeup Professionals
2. Travelers
3. Beauty Enthusiast
4. Artist

A note to mention that a train case was specific to a demographic of users who enjoyed makeup.

The average person that uses make-up still owned one, but for the most part used smaller bags when going out for the day or traveling.

Inspirations collected by Celso, Hunter, and Lana


Based on current articles we summed up three insights that were constantly being promoted to improve your train case experience
1.  How to organize and store your products
2. Keeping it simple and easy to clean it up
3. Use of Bags and compartments to organize and keep your products clean
4. Artist

Offering-Activity-Culture Map

Moment of Opportunities

1.  Understanding Key Features
2. Finding Cultural Elements
3. Understand The Demographics of Users
4. New Opportunities

From And To Exploration

Rooms for Innovations

1.  Reusability
2. Organization & Compartments
3. Protection
4. Lightweight
5. Sustainability
6. Luxury

Insight Sorting

Compartmentalize Insights & for overlap

1.  Storage & Organization
2. Traveling
3. Design & Components
4. Materials
5. Professional Use
6. Luxury Train Case


Research and Cost

We looked through several sustainable material and averaged that with out design chose, we would be within a 15 dollar per bag. Production and Shipping included.



On our initial sketches we started with a wide range of designs with shapes and modularity. Our initial focus was making sure that it would be a train case that could accommodate a large range of beauty and self-care products. After two rounds feedback from our professor we ended with a design that had a train case with two smaller bags that would be connected with magnets. Our design would allow for multiple uses such as only having to use the smaller ones if there train case wasn't needed.

Designs made by  Celso,Hunter, and Lana

Created by Celso, Hunter, and Lana

Physical Model

Made By Lana Pak

Physical Prototype Created by Lana Pak

For our physical prototype, we started with making sure we had a variety of modular components and test with different products. We put in a different amount of products to see when the bag would be too heavy. We had feedback from our mentor Tarina to make sure it was something that could be strapped to a luggage case .

CAD Model

Using Fusion 360, we went through several iterations with our CAD(Computer Aided-Design) models. We wanted to try a variation of colors and materials. In the end we focused on a design that had a more leather texture but still held a modular design.

CAD Model made by Celso Pereira

Models created by Celso and Hunter

Models created by Hunter

Online Component

Inspiration and Ideation

We had several ideas for our online component and we first went with going far and wide with adding each feature into an application that people would use via their phones regarding organizing and keeping track of beauty products.
1.Adding items to a list
5.Product Recommendations

User Flow created by Celso

LO-FI Designs

LO-Fi designs created by Celso, Hunter and Lana

Our initial design we incorporated features that would focus on creating list of products that the user will own and be able to organize them for specific occasions or daily use. Product tracking so that when the user reorders it keeps metric of the use of your products. The option to repurchase products. and lastly organizing your products.


Though our first round of feedback from user testing we gathered that certain features were too confusing to navigate or were overlooked.
We needed to further streamline out app proposal and reduce the amount of features and hone in on what we thought users would benefit the most from

Routine Design Created By Hunter Moranville

Final User Flow

User Flow created by Lana Pak

After a second set of user feedback we refined the user flow and prioritize two features
We wanted users to be able to add items into their virtual bag and be able to make a cheklist.


HI-FI Prototype created by Celso,Hunter and Lana

On our final design we wanted to focus on the user's inventory and and being able to make checklist for different occasions. We wanted to user's to utilize this feature by using a scan system so that users could easy scan their items and by doing so It 1. adds into into their feature 2. Be able to create Beauty Checklist and pull from the virtual inventory.



CAD Model made by Celso Pereira

For the train case itself. We gave it dimensions that will compliment trips and meet the requirements for commercial airlines. The Bag itself could also be attached on top of your luggage case so that it could be easy to travel with.  

The smaller bag was purposed for carrying everyday items that people would could carry around either on the train case or in their bag that they frequently go out with.

The second bag was purposed for carrying items that might be bigger so that it could carry items outside of the everyday occasion.  

The divider that goes inside the train case was meant for items that would need more padding and not have to worry about hitting other items and possibly causing spillage.  

The train case itself will be lined up with magnets all around the walls of the case so that when you do store the two bags and the divider you can organize in any fashion that you would like and they will be secured in place because of the amount of support they have,  

Cross Section created by Hunter Moranville


Models created by Hunter

Each bag will have a unique QR code that when scanned will take the user to the Companion app and ask if you would like create a list for that individual bag.


The main feature that we wanted to outline was when onboarding was to easily be able to scan items and start creating list and keeping track of them

The scanning features would be powered by google lens that would scan the products when taking a photo and by focusing on an items you get results not only for the specific product but also give you a range of similar products that you might be interested from. For this scenario it would be the second choise and you would add it to your inventory

By focusing on another item it will give you results for that specific product as well. When done you will go over all the items that you chose and filter and fill in the products parameters of how often you use it and how much of that product is left by that doing so it will keep track of when you will probably need to order

The second feature that we worked on was having a preset of checklist. By clicking on one it will give you a curated list of products that you would generally use for that routine and from there you would choose items from your virtual inventory and then recommend items that you might be interested that compliments your list.


For out final deliverable we had the pleasure of presenting to not only to Macher but a wide range of their partners both locally and internationally and received feedback. It was a great learning experience getting industry feedback such as from Rudi Schreiner, owner of the Calabasas-based AMAWaterways.


- The size of the train case was divisive as people who pack lightly will not see them selves using it and using a smaller bag that would fit in their luggage bag
- People who do travel a lot and have a wide range products loved the idea of having a train case that could be used for multiple scenarios. The smaller bags being modular meant that if they were going to the gym or out for the night meant that they didn't have to worry about moving items around bags as often.
- Because of TSA rules for traveling internationally we received feedback of changing the modular bags into a clear material


This project was a great learning experience in both having industry level feedback and designing it in a way that was sustainable . Designing a train case that could be used for a wide range of people was the first hurdle. We learned was people who use make-up and beauty products care about them in different degrees. Some people have a small bag with a few items while others walk around with a wide range of items. So creating a modular design that could satisfy both groups  was important

Future iterations that our team would love to work on is making it TSA approved by making from a clear material. We would also focus on making the overall design of the bag smaller .

For the companion app. We would love to incorporate a feature that allows the user subscribe to their products and streamline user having to manually buy them

For the checklist experience we would love to gamefy it to encourage users to complete and utilize them. This could be a badge system that rewards the users on completing them or unlock aestheic features for the app